
Mark Polin

Dear Marisa,
As you may know, my father, O. Martin Polin, son of Oscar Polin, passed away on August 17, 2007. I have a brother, Martin, and a sister, Elizabeth, and my mother's name is Susan. My sister Elizabeth found your website 'polink' shortly after my father passed away, and my mother, sister, and I enjoyed reading about you and your family and your vocation as a visual artist.
My family and I very much appreciate your family website, Los Polin, and we look forward to future postings and to our providing information that would contribute to the collection of knowledge about the family. We have some family photos of my father, his parents and brothers and sisters which we would like to share with you in due course. I look forward to corresponding with you.
Kind regards,
Mark Polin

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

My first cousin is Susan Polin, who was married to Martin Polin. I would really appreciate hearing from the family.